
First, we want to send a BIG THANK YOU to TTCTV for such an exceptional experience with filming our Charlie Chaplin Movies! Everyone enjoyed our big premiere at Celebration of Learning! Thank you to Rory, Dan and Katelyn for all your hard work!

Our new expedition this year is called Sierra Scientist, Go with the Flow! We have started with science protocols learning about matter and will transition into science labs, which will include: states of matter, molecules, atomic structure, chemistry lab, water and how bonding with other substances makes new materials. We started with a lab called “Draw a Scientist” and moved into explaining with evidence an unknown diagram. The kids had a blast with writing clear lab procedures as they tried to give directions on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to me as I pretended to be an alien who needed very specific directions. It was a hoot and I made a mess! We have some great field work lined up for this spring so look for set up/driver emails to follow.


Students in both grades are wrapping up chapter 2 in the Bridges curriculum.  Also, Mrs. Brisbin and I have really been working hard in delivering extra attention to the standard algorithms.   4th graders have been working on 2 to 3 digit times 1 digit standard algorithms and feel pretty successful with them. We will continue hitting fluency of 1 through 12 multiplication facts hard for the rest of the year. Please practice with your child these facts, as it is hard to build upon math concepts without a strong base. Most kids have the easy ones; it is time to hit those hard 6,7,8 and 9 facts until fast memorization is met. Our next chapter will be on fractions- we will use clocks, egg cartons, and rulers to demonstrate the many ways fractions can be presented with the use of everyday items.

5th graders have been working really hard on learning double by triple digit multiplication, and have multiple quizzes.  Once every student masters this, we will move into long division.  It is our goal to have 100% of 5th grade students mastering borrowing, carrying, multi-digit multiplication, and long division before they hit 6th grade.  We can do it!  As far as Bridges goes, students are learning how to produce ratio tables and double number lines when dealing with fractions.  Difficult concepts, but the students are practicing their grappling skills as they work through these ideas every day.  Their assessment will be at the end of this week or early next.


It was an exciting week of writing as the students jumped right back into ELA with Letters about Literature. Letters About Literature is a reading and writing contest for students in grades 4-12. Students are asked to read a book and write to the author (living or dead) about how the book affected them personally. Letters are judged on state and national levels. Tens of thousands of students from across the country enter Letters About Literature each year. The student wrote thought provoking letters to authors and letters have been mailed out to both the contest and the authors. Next comes the fun part, waiting to hear responses from either!

States Exploration:

Students are learning about individual states as they hand write reports. These reports also present a new/old school idea of using only books, pamphlets, or other written pieces of work to gather information. They are not allowed to simply Google for information, in fact, they are not allowed to touch a computer for this activity. Yes, we are breaking out good old fashion encyclopedias! Students are also exploring our great country and embarking on a quest to send our SELS mascot, the American Black Bear, on a tour!  Our goal is to collectively receive a postcard from every state our bear visits in the US.  We will then map out the postcards and then add them to our research we are collecting on our states study.  Students have sent and are in the midst of sending out their letters this week and next week.  Thank you for your participation!

I want to THANK our wonderful crew families for the thoughtful words and gifts I received before our break. I feel so appreciated and it heart warmed. I truly enjoy working with your child and look forward to an amazing 2016!